Dans l'actualité

Consultez des articles ou enquêtes journalistiques portant sur différents enjeux concernant la procréation pour autrui.

Conseil du statut de la femme. (Janvier, 2023). Étude Grossesses pour autrui : État de la situation au Québec. ISBN : 978-2-550-93785-2

Jen Christensen & Nadia Kounang. (2022, 21 novembre). Parents welcome twins from embryos frozen 30 years ago. CTV News.

Nick Weig. (2022, 20 Juillet). Iowa man whose dying father revealed fertility fraud, celebrates new Iowa law. Iowa’s news.

Antoine Trépanier (N.D). 16 enfants pour le Dr Barwin, D’autres frères et soeurs recherchés au Québec. Récits numérique, Radio-Canada.

Umesh Bhagchandani. (2022, 17 mai.) Where is Dr Donald Cline from Netflix’s Our Father now? In his 80s, he’s still alive and lives in Indiana where he inseminated female patients – but he still hasn’t confessed to a motive. Style.

Christine Pelisek. (2022, 11 mai). How a Group of Siblings Uncovered a Fertility Doctor Who Was Serially Impregnating His Own Patients. People.

Izzy Karpinski. (2022, 18 mai). Dr. Donald Cline pays $1.35M in donor siblings’ civil case settlements; What we uncovered. Fox59.

Alyssa Lukpat. (2022, 28 avril). Fertility Doctor Accused of Using His Own Sperm Is Ordered to Pay Millions. The New York Times.

Andréane Williams. (2022, 9 avril). La guerre en Ukraine fait bondir la demande pour des mères porteuses canadiennes. Radio-Canada.

Andrea Salcedo. (2022, 6 avril). Couple sues fertility clinic, saying they had to abort stranger’s baby. The Washington Post.

Maria Kirpichenko & Dr Christina Weis. (2022, 4 avril). The impact of the war in Ukraine on the Russian fertility industry. BioNews.

Asia Grace. (2022, 1 avril). I found out my gynecologist was my secret dad — and he knew it. New York Post.

Wilson Ring. (2022, 31 mars). Jury Gives $5.25M to Woman Impregnated by Doctor’s Own Sperm. Medscape Psychiatry.

Emily Galpern. (2022, 31 mars). War in Ukraine Exacerbates Problems with Surrogacy Industry; Comprehensive regulation needed to address health and rights of surrogates. Center for Genetics and Society.

Hannah Flynn. (2022, 21 mars). UK visas made available to Ukraine surrogates as babies stranded in Kyiv. BioNews.

Zaina Mahmoud & Dr Kirsty Horsey. (2022, 7 mars). Ukrainian Surrogates: a surprising silence. BioNews.

Alison Motluk. (2022, 1 mars). Ukraine’s Surrogacy Industry Has Put Women in Impossible Positions. The Atlantic.

Jacqueline Mroz. (2022, 28 février). When an Ancestry Search Reveals Fertility Fraud. The New York Times.

Jordan Baker. (2022, 23 février). ‘A nightmare’: Parents fear for Australian surrogate babies in Ukraine. The Sydney Morning Herald.

Blair Sowry. (2022, 21 février). First baby born via surrogacy to same-sex couple in Northern Ireland. BioNews.

Ruth Retassie. (2022, 14 février). Vermont doctor’s licence revoked after he used his own sperm on patients. BioNews.

Ellen Trachman. (2022, 9 février). Denmark Threatens To Deport Surrogate-Born Children. Above the Law.

Hazel Burke, Dr Leah Gilman & Petra Nordqvist. (2022, 7 février). How donating sperm or eggs affects donors’ own lives and relationships. BioNews.

Dan Jacobson. (2022, 7 février). Sperm mix-up lawsuit launched after ancestry test reveals different heritage. BioNews.

Naomi Cahn & Sonia Suter. (2022, 18 janvier). Sperm donation is largely unregulated, but that could soon change as lawsuits multiply. The Conversation.

Jakki Magowan. (2022, 17 janvier). Donor conceived baby put up for adoption over ethnicity and sperm donor sued for fraud. BioNews.

Amy Dockser Marcus. (2022, 2 janvier). A Grieving Family Wonders: What if They Had Known the Medical History of Sperm Donor 1558?. The Wall Street Journal.

Valentine Pasquesoone. (2021, 21 décembre). Quand des tests ADN jettent le trouble sur le recours de gynécologues à leur propre sperme pour des inséminations. France Info.

SBS Dateline. (2021, 2 novembre). Super donor: Nearly 100 kids and counting. [Vidéo]. Youtube.

CBC News. (2021, 1 novembre). Judge approves settlement in case of disgraced Ottawa fertility doctor. CBC.

Jenny Kleeman. (2021, 25 septembre). The great sperm heist: ‘They were playing with people’s lives’. The Guardian.

Antoine Trépanier. (2021, 28 juillet). Insémination artificielle : plus de 13 M$ réclamés au Dr Norman Barwin. Radio-Canada.

Alison Motluk. (2021, 22 juin). What does it tell us that so many doctors used their own sperm?. HeyReprotech.

Kat Stromquist. (2021, 1 mai). Doctor in fertility case dies at age 80; North Little Rock family’s suit placed on pause. Arkansas Democrat Gazette.

Ellen Trachman. (2021, 21 avril). After Last Week’s Column, The Sperm-Swapping Doctor Retires. Above the Law.

Robert T. Garrett. (2021, 14 avril). ‘Daddy doctor’ redux: Dallas woman who got Texas to criminalize fertility fraud targets doctors’ licenses. The Dallas Morning News.

Katie MacBride. (2021, 6 janvier). Fertility Doctors Used Their Sperm to Get Patients Pregnant. The Children Want Justice. Vice News.

CBC Radio. (2020, 19 septembre). How a Toronto woman discovered she has up to 600 half-siblings. CBC.

Sarah Zhang. (Avril 2019). The fertility doctor’s secret. The Atlantic


Des podcasts et reportages sur le sujet

Pénéloppe McQuade. (7 février 2023). [ICI PREMIÈRE] Gérald Fillion raconte comment il est devenu père grâce à la GPA. Radio-Canada Ohdio.

Candice Nguyen et. Jeremy Carroll. (2 février 2023).  Fertility Deception. NBC.

Antoine Trépanier – Les trahisons du Dr Barwin – Radio-Canada Ohdio

The Immaculate Deception – Somethin’ else – Sony Music Entertainment

Jennifer White & Ellen Trachman – I Want to Put a Baby in You

Karen Liebreich – Message in a bottle – This is Love