Third-Party Reproduction
Insemination Fraud: A Lesser Known Drift (2025)
How do gamete donors react when they are contacted by someone born from their donations? (2024)
How do contacts between gamete donors and donor-conceived people unfold? (2024)
How do donor conceived teenagers perceive their donor? (2024)
How do contacts between gamete donors and donor-conceived people unfold? (2024)
How do gamete donors react when they are contacted by someone born from their donation? (2024)
What is the relationship between the children of surrogates and the intended parents? (2024)
How do children of surrogates perceive the baby born of their mother's surrogacy? (2024)
How do the children of surrogates experience the process of their mother handing over the baby to the intended parents? (2024)
How do the children of surrogates experience the surrogacy of their mother? (2024)
How do children of surrogates react when they are told about their mother’s surrogacy? (2024)