Intergenerational Ties Through the Lens of Third-Party Reproduction
Contact Project : The experience of gamete donors contacted by their donor offspring
ACCESS to reproduction for LBP women and QTNB people
Surrogates’ Voices
Drifts in Donor Conception and Their Impacts on Life Trajectories
My Mother’s Surrogacy
The news

Comic book: Contacts: Stories from Egg and Sperm Donors
Through a series of fictional stories, learn more about the experience of sperm and egg donors who have been contacted by people conceived from their donations. The stories draw on the findings of a research project involving 27 American, Australian, and Canadian gamete donors.

Summer Institute on Assisted Reproduction
The Summer Institute on Assisted Reproduction is offering advanced training on contemporary issues in assisted reproductive technologies (ART), which will take place on June 3 to 5, 2024 at the UCS research center of the INRS in Montreal (Qc, Canada). This multi-day event is aimed at professionals who work with people involved in ART, as well as researchers and students. Participants will have the opportunity to gain cutting-edge knowledge in the field from internationally recognized researchers through thematic sessions, clinical workshops, a roundtable, and a public event on fertility fraud. Participation in the Institute may be recognized as professional development by some regulatory professional boards.

When mom carries a baby "to help" another family
"The reality of children of surrogates has been very little studied. Isabel Côté, who holds the Canada Research Chair in third-party reproduction and Family ties, is a researcher with the Partenariat de recherche Familles en mouvance and a professor in the Department of Social Work at UQO, wanted to know more about their experiences. Together with Flavy Barrette, a Master's candidate in social work, she undertook a research project on this issue. In total, 62 young Canadians between the ages of 7 and 24 were interviewed about the surrogacy project in which their mother acted as a surrogate." (In French)

The Chair's holder at Tout le monde en parle
As Quebec prepares to better protect the rights of surrogates and the children born through surrogacy, the documentary series Porteuses de vie (Carriers of Life) is launched. To demystify the subject and to better understand the legislation surrounding it, we discuss with Marie-Claude Corbeil, a surrogate, Kevins-Kyle, father of three children born through surrogacy, and Isabel Côté, professor at the Université du Québec en Outaouais.

Documentary series: Porteuses de vie (Carriers of life)
By following Amélie Lemieux's quest to have another child, let's demystify the process of surrogates and meet individuals who, from near and far, have used this process to create a family. Through these encounters with families and specialists, let's take stock of the situation in Quebec.
The holder of the Research Chair, Isabel Côté, speaks in each episode of the documentary series.

Isabel Côté (she/her) holds the Canada Research Chair in Third-Party Reproduction and Family Ties and is a professor in the department of social work at Université du Québec en Outaouais. She is interested in families that are created thanks to others’ contributions, particularly gamete and embryo donors and surrogate mothers.