Narratives within families with children conceived via sperm donation

When a child asks, “Where do babies come from?,” parents who have conceived via sperm donation are faced with the choice of whether or not to disclose the circumstances of the child’s conception. Various supports can be used to facilitate family dialogue and to help tell the child the story of their conception. In a participatory process that brings together and benefits from professional, experiential, scholarly and artistic knowledge, the team members for this project will develop a children’s book to help facilitate conversations on the subject.
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Adoption Project

Conducted in collaboration with the LGBT+ Family Coalition, the Adoption project aims to describe, understand and compare the attitudes and representations of various groups of professionals (from the fields of social work, psychology and law) regarding the adoption of a child by a person or couple from the LGBTQ communities. We wish to identify the best predictors of a favorable attitude towards adoption by a person or couple from the LGBTQ community. The results of this research will allow us to better target the training needs of social and legal professionals who work with LGBTQ families. ** In French Only **
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STORIES Project: Self, Transmission, Origins, Representations, and Identity among Donor-Conceived Teenagers and their Families

This study aims to develop a better understanding of how adolescents integrate the narrative frameworks surrounding their conception. Thanks to a triangulation of these data with data from their parents, this study will help identify courses of action for social workers who work in fertility clinics and with couples who need gamete donation in order to become parents.
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Fertility preservation for young trans and non-binary people is a recent practice that has been little documented internationally. The use of this assisted reproduction technique brings up both family and ethical issues. Family pressures can influence young trans people’s ability to consent to this technique given that, at their age, they may not necessarily be aspiring to start families. This research project aims to gather the perspectives of young trans and non-binary people along with those of their parents, and to place them in dialogue in the aim of building overall understanding rooted in their experiences to better support the families concerned.
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